Providing Telehealth services on the Eastside (Bellevue, Issaquah, Redmond, Snoqualmie, Mercer Island, North Bend and Fall City)



I am a Certified Clinical Telemental Health Provider Associate (CTMH-A) so virtual therapy or telehealth can be a great way to obtain needed support.

  • Do you need support, but are seeking an alternate option to an in-person appointment?
  • Are you looking to decrease commute times, simplify juggling of family schedules and adding work-life balance back into your busy schedule?
  • Do you have social anxiety or phobias that cause you to avoid leaving your house or engaging in face-to-face interactions?
  • Do you live in a rural area where services are limited?
  • Do you have a physical challenge that makes traveling to an in-person appointment difficult?

Virtual appointments can take place via your smartphone, tablet or computer.  While a camera is helpful, it is not required or necessary.